What’s Cooking for Rosh Hashana? You Tell Us!

Rosh Hashana is just around the corner, and all over Israel, folks are digging out their old family recipes — or wracking their brains for new and exciting ideas — for holiday foods.

We at AACI would like to hear from YOU. Which special dishes are a traditional part of  your New Year celebration? What new Rosh Hashana food traditions have you adopted since coming to Israel?

Please send us your descriptions, recipes and photos (as JPG files) of Rosh Hashana favorites to bjacobson@aaci.org.il (Please include your phone number and/or email.) Deadline 5 PM, Wednesday, September 5, 2012.

We will then share recipes from both blog readers and AACI staffers in time for your holiday cooking.

Here’s one of my time-tested recipes to get you started:

Tangy Carrot-Herb Salad

10 medium carrots, peeled, sliced, & simmered till tender (you could skip peeling them if they are very young and sweet)

Cool, drain and buzz in the food processor with:

2-3 cloves fresh garlic
a big handful of fresh cilantro, flat-leaf parsley, or other fresh herb of your choice (stems & all)
3 TBSP olive oil
lemon juice & salt to taste 

Serve at room temperature or chilled.

I like this with a still-slightly chunky texture, but that’s up to you. This may be used as one of the simanim (symbolic foods for a good year) at the Rosh Hashana evening meal; it’s an interesting change from carrot-and-raisin salad. It can also be made for Passover … but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves :-).


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